    编辑拼音edit jyutping


    编辑解释edit jyutping

    (imperative / verb) Move! (telling someone to move as they are in your way); go away! / piss off! telling someone to piss off as they have annoyed you; (phrasal verb) to walk away; to steer out of the way; to step out of the way; to go away for a short period; to go off for a moment, usually to go and do something else or to leave someone (or a scene / situation / circumstance) temporarily, with an intention to come back

    编辑英文解释edit jyutping


    行开。帮主!着火啦! 「大话西游之月光宝盒」发音

    重要啱啱我银包又攋低喺上面!恕我请唔到你食饭喇,我真系好忙架!行开啦! 「少林足球」发音

    大人啊,如烟房里边有客,你唔入得去嘎。混帐,我系协理大臣,边个敢阻我?行开。 「九品芝麻官」发音

    禾秆边救到火架?你哋行开一边啦! 「大话西游之月光宝盒」发音

    我想行开吓散下心啫 「大话西游之月光宝盒」发音

    佢话要同祖先讲,行开咗 「哆啦a梦--伴我同行」发音

    冚棒冷行开!等我嚟烧佢! 「大话西游之月光宝盒」发音

    唔制啊 ! 最憎就系嫲嫲 , 你行开啊 ! 「哆啦a梦--伴我同行」发音

    我有时趁啲姑娘行开咗呢 「低俗喜剧」发音

    财财呀!一定中,你顶帽!饮!哎呀,你咁屎, 行开啦,我同奶奶猜呀。 「唐伯虎点秋香」发音

    唔紧要嘅,你个人行开咗啫,精神永远都会喺返度架。 「少林足球」发音

    行开 「大话西游之月光宝盒」发音

    我哋大王有啲事行开咗 「大话西游之月光宝盒」发音

    行开,行开!你哋梗系唔想踢定嘞。 「少林足球」发音

    阿哥!  --行开! 「大话西游之仙履奇缘」发音

    行开!佢唔是我妹! 「大话西游之仙履奇缘」发音

    行开啦,睇咩,八婆! 「大话西游之仙履奇缘」发音

    行开!行开啊!唔好埋嚟(不要靠近) 「国产零零漆」发音

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