    編輯拼音edit jyutping

    老闆。我哋嘅 對我哋都幾好嘅。(我們的老闆對我們還不錯。)

    編輯解釋edit jyutping

    (n. / appellation) generally refers to the boss or senior colleagues, such as manager or department head; owner of a shop; refers to your client

    編輯英文解釋edit jyutping


    萬壽無疆添啊老細! 「大話西遊之仙履奇緣」发音

    大吉大利老細! 「大話西遊之仙履奇緣」发音

    嚇!呢位老細你有運喇,我呢度啱啱就有一粒。 「唐伯虎點秋香」发音

    咁多位老細,點呀?你哋幾好嗎? 「大話西遊之仙履奇緣」发音

    老細,見你咁有型 「國產零零漆」发音

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