    编辑拼音edit jyutping

    【喻】【谑】本义是灯泡,因广州话称不通人情为“唔(不)通气”,所以比喻不通人情的人,特指不知趣地妨碍情侣谈情的人。人哋两个咁好倾,你点解要埋去做电灯胆?!(人家两个谈得那么投机,你干吗要不知趣地走过去?!) 灯泡。通常指白炽灯灯泡。因灯泡其形似胆囊,故名。

    编辑解释edit jyutping

    (n.) a light bulb; the third wheel; an insensitive person who tags along with a couple, without realizing that the couple wants some privacy

    编辑英文解释edit jyutping

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