(n.) a naughty boy; a bad kid; (appellation) 'naughty boy' / 'bad boy', usually used as a form of address by parents to call one's son (especially when scolding them); 'little rascal', a form of address for someone who annoys you too much; (adjective) to be of not such good character, usually to describe when someone does something which is not so good (morally) or when someone acts in a way that they shouldn't (this can be considered as a toned down version to the adjective '衰格')
衰仔,你想造反呀? 「九品芝麻官」
衰仔,跪低,你記唔記得你曾經喺你死鬼老竇靈前發過誓, 「唐伯虎點秋香」
衰仔吖,叫你唔好做貪官嘅嘞嘛,你咁都唔聽? 「九品芝麻官」
唔好玩啦,衰仔,未見過大場面?放鬆啲,平時練波一樣得喇。 「少林足球」
哈,你個衰仔,又玩我! 「國產零零漆」