    編輯拼音edit jyutping

    【喻】碰上倒霉事。我今日撞鬼嘞,唔見咗幾樣嘢。(我今天倒了霉了,丟了幾樣東西。) 【喻】【詈】胡鬧(多用於罵人)。你撞鬼啊,搞到亂曬坑!(你活見鬼了,弄得亂七八糟!)

    編輯解釋edit jyutping

    (interjection) can be translated loosely as 'Holy crap!' / 'Jesus!' / 'damn you!', an exclamatory phrase used when something bad has happened; (phrasal verb) being possessed by evil spirits; to be out of luck; to be down on one's luck

    編輯英文解釋edit jyutping


    撞鬼啦呢鑊 「大話西遊之月光寶盒」发音

    唓!爭啲唔記得自己踢嘅,以為撞鬼㖭! 「唐伯虎點秋香」发音

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